Trump’s Mobile Field Office Comes To The Aid Of Hurricane Victims

In the aftermath of Hurricane Hermine last week, a town in northern Florida received help from an unexpected source.
An RV belonging to the Trump campaign appeared on the scene with items such as water, diapers and other much-needed supplies.
Hurricane Hermine struck Florida last week before making its way up the East Coast.
The small town of Panacea, Fla., suffered extensive damage from the torrential rains and winds gusting to 78 mph.
Residents of Panacea were in the process of cleaning up from the hurricane on Saturday when the Trump RV arrived and began unloading supplies.
Members of Trump’s team were also available to assist with clearing streets of debris left by Hermine.
The Florida For Trump group described the incident on Facebook.
Trump praised his Florida staff, saying, “I am so proud of my team in Florida! It is exactly what my campaign is all about.”
The RVs, which Trump calls his mobile field offices, have been criticized and ridiculed by the media.
An article by Stephanie Hunter in American NewsX asserts Trump’s decision to use RVs as mobile field offices makes the RV life seem “a lot less wholesome and nostalgic and far more, shall we say, cheap and tasteless.”
Hunter adds, “You see, in his newest attempt to save money, aka keeping his own greedy little hands full – as well as maintain some form of relevancy, Donald Trump is deploying ‘mobile field offices’ – RV style.”
A comment in an article by Politicus USA said, “RVs aren’t field offices, and #Donald Trump isn’t running a real presidential campaign.”
While the media has been less than supportive of Trump, Facebook followers are praising him for his actions.
One follower wrote: “Good job, Mr Trump for putting the people first. May God bless you for helping. I pray for all the people who have suffered through all these storms.”
Another posted: “And that is how a President responds in a time of need!”
This is not the only time the Trump campaign has offered assistance to those in need.
After the devastating floods in Louisiana, Trump donated enough water and other supplies to fill a semi-truck trailer.
Trump’s Mobile Field Office Comes To The Aid Of Hurricane Victims Trump’s Mobile Field Office Comes To The Aid Of Hurricane Victims Reviewed by Unknown on 1:16:00 PM Rating: 5
